Tuesday, November 13, 2012

DIY Photography Backdrop Stand
I found many tutorials around the web for making these, and other photography stands. I really liked this one www.dandelionsonthewall.com, the only thing I changed with mine is buying an extra 10 foot PVC pipe to adjust height if needed.

Also you can ask home depot to pre-cut down some of your pipe, I will just tell you DO ask if you are driving a car!!!
The best thing is it is 100% adjustable. I was thinking today of rearranging so its more tall and not as wide, but if I want to go back to wide I can! I also love that I can take it apart and travel with it. I fits nicely in my closet when I don't use it too!! FYI it was more costly though. Including the tool to cut PVC and clips to keep the fabric up it was about $30-35.